Regional Connectivity


The Global Development Initiative: Advancing Sustainable Growth in South and Central Asia

16 Sep 2024
The Global Development Initiative (GDI), proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2021, offers a comprehensive framework for addressing the unique development challenges facing South and Central Asia.
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Building Bridges in Space: China's Space Station Tiangong’s Role in Asia’s Scientific and Strategic Future

5 Sep 2024
The Tiangong space station is more than just a symbol of China’s rising capabilities in space; it is a catalyst for regional progress across multiple domains.

Afghanistan: The Regional Roundabout - International Conference on Connectivity Studies, Kabul, July 20-22, 2024

18 May 2024
A Conference of Academics from the Regional Countries on “Regional Connectivity studies”.

India’s Takeover of Iran’s Chabahar Port: Transforming Regional Connectivity and Trade Dynamics

15 May 2024
India's strategic investment in Iran's Chabahar port is set to redefine the geopolitical and economic landscape of Central Asia and Afghanistan. The ten-year agreement for India to manage the port holds profound implications for regional connectivity, offering a vital alternative route for the landlocked countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan.

Afghanistan's Vision for Regional Connectivity: Opportunities and Challenges

25 Apr 2024
Afghanistan's pursuit of its regional connectivity agenda necessitates close collaboration with neighboring countries and international partners.

Building Bridges Through Trade and Investment: Overcoming Regional Differences for Connectivity

23 Apr 2024
In the intricate tapestry of South and Central Asia's geopolitical landscape, the specter of political differences and rivalries often casts a shadow over the prospect of regional connectivity
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The Role of AISRS in Advancing Connectivity in Afghanistan

5 Apr 2024
The Afghanistan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISRS) plays a pivotal role in promoting connectivity and fostering regional cooperation through its multifaceted approach encompassing research, analysis, seminars, and advocacy.

Connectivity: A Catalyst for Afghanistan's Development

5 Apr 2024
Connectivity has emerged as a crucial factor in driving economic growth, fostering social development, and enhancing geopolitical stability. For a country like Afghanistan, which has endured decades of conflict and economic hardship, investing in connectivity infrastructure holds immense potential for transforming its prospects.

Chabahar Port: Gateway to Growth and Connectivity

4 Apr 2024
Chabahar Port stands as a symbol of economic opportunity, regional connectivity, and strategic importance. Situated at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East, this port holds immense potential to transform the economic landscape of the region and serve as a vital link in global trade routes.